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Hello and welcome! I’m the 2024 Ma-Nu Lodge Chief and I was elected by the youth members of Ma-Nu Lodge to lead the OA Program in Last Frontier Council.
Ma-Nu Lodge is a division of the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society, which operates in the Last Frontier Council of the Boy Scouts of America (Central and Southern Oklahoma).
Our Scouts represent the most motivated and experienced in the area, and it is our goal to serve both the Scouting movement and the community. We aide these communities in many ways, ranging from conservation projects which help clean up camps for use by Scouts, to financially supporting the Boy Scouts of America. We also work hard to give all Scouts, regardless of financial means, the resources to go to camp.
We hope you will take a few minutes to explore our website for additional information about Ma-Nu Lodge and how you can help. Thank you for visiting!
Yours in Scouting,
Lodge Chief