Attention all current and future Elangomats. 

To be eligible to serve at Ordeal as an Elangomat you will be required to attend, each year, the Elangomat training at Fall Fellowship or LLDC. If you have any questions please feel free to email the lodge at manu@manu133.org.

The central role of the elangomat is to provide a living example of the ideals of the Order, and, through leadership in cheerful service, assist the candidates in meeting the challenges of the Ordeal. One can more easily live out the values of the Order of the Arrow if one first sees someone else living them. Through the elangomat’s example, candidates are encouraged to catch the vision of themselves which lies at the heart of the Ordeal’s purpose. “Elangomat,” the Lenape word for “friend,” is the term given to an Arrowman who supervises a crew of candidates, commonly referred to as a “clan.” He leads by his example—as the elangomat successfully completes each challenge of the Ordeal, he shows the candidates that they can as well. The qualities of a good elangomat are the essence of the Order itself—a strong sense of brotherhood, cheerfulness in the face of irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities, and a willingness to give service to others. They do not need to be able to recite the 10 Induction Principles by heart, but they should be trained on how to best uphold them during the Ordeal experience.


Look for Arrowmen with a passion for service, and who will be able to communicate the spirit of the Order through his actions and example. A youth Vigil Honor member with some experience working with inductions would make an ideal elangomat. However, these Arrowmen are usually limited in number and often have other leadership positions in the lodge. Arrowmen who have recently sealed their membership and became Brotherhood members are another good resource because they will be looking for ways to cheerfully serve others. Elangomats should ideally be at least Brotherhood level because of the role they play after the Ordeal in encouraging the members of their clan to become Brotherhood members.

To help keep groups manageable, one elangomat should be assigned for every six to ten Ordeal candidates. This will allow the elangomat to effectively lead and also enhance bonding between the members of the clan.

In some lodges, serving as an elangomat is a well-respected act. In others, the position is decidedly unglamorous. Those lodges that have successfully established the elangomat position as a worthy expression of cheerful service have usually done so by building it up through traditions, recognition, and sponsorship from lodge leadership. Because elangomats accept the four challenges of the Ordeal, the passion for service in those who are recruited to serve must be ignited. If the lodge is having trouble recruiting elangomats, it may be because they are not getting the recognition they deserve. Remember, the elangomat’s task is not easy—not only must he uphold the challenges of the Ordeal, he must also coordinate the clan’s work efforts, and in doing so becomes an exemplary embodiment of the spirit of the Order. Anyone who can successfully meet this challenge certainly deserves recognition and thanks!

Some effective recruitment ideas include:

  1. Having a contact list of Brotherhood members available to recruit to be Elangomats.
  2. Making a brightly colored Elangomat T-shirt to be issued to all Elangomats. The shirt allows candidates and members to quickly identify Elangomats during the Ordeal weekend.
  3. Offering a special patch or award to Elangomats who achieve certain milestones (for example, getting 50% of their clan to become Brotherhood members within 18 months).
  4. Leading by example! Lodge leadership may serve as an Elangomat. Where the leaders go, others will follow.


Well-trained Elangomats are vital to ensuring a successful Ordeal experience. A new Elangomat needs to be informed of his important role and purpose, how to conduct an Ordeal in accordance with the 10 Induction Principles, as well as the myriad of logistical issues that arise during any Ordeal—what projects there will be to do, when to take breaks, when and where to eat, etc. An Elangomat who spends all his energy struggling with logistical complications will hardly be able to fulfill his most important purpose. Elangomat training should occur at least one month prior to the Ordeal induction weekend. Ideally, training should occur at the same place where the Ordeal will occur, so Elangomats can visualize and understand where they need to be and when. The training can be conducted by the Ordeal Master, vice chief of inductions, or Elangomat committee chairman. The ceremonies chairman should also in attendance to answer any questions that arise. A full Elangomat training syllabus and other support materials are available at the Lodge Leadership Development website – Click Here